Operating on 100% Renewable Energy.


Dynamic Manufacturing, Inc is committed to protecting the environment, health, and safety of our stakeholders. Our organizational emphasis is on preventing pollution, injuries, and health, with a key focus on risk elimination. We conduct our business by all applicable laws and ethical standards to create an environment that is safe and secure for everyone.

To that end, we:

Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, permits, company policies, and other best management practices to which we subscribe.
Strive for Continual Improvement in our environmental management activities.
Implement Pollution Prevention in all our business activities with established objectives and targets.

Sustainability Solutions at Dynamic Manufacturing

Our facilities and equipment at Dynamic Manufacturing operate on 100% renewable energy. We apply this same dedication to sustainability across our services with a focus on preventing pollution, injuries, and waste and additional emphasis on eliminating risks in all stages of our processes.

By implementing sustainability solutions and developing further environmental policies in our facilities and processes, our Dynamic Manufacturing team can produce products without harming the environment, using valuable resources, and producing excess waste. These policies also help in our mission to decrease health risks, injuries, and costs in the manufacturing industry.

Sustainability Services

Everything that we do at Dynamic Manufacturing serves as part of our goals to reduce our carbon footprint. The following services contribute to the mission of Dynamic Manufacturing’s sustainability journey.


Our remanufacturing processes promote our sustainability goals by reusing parts and materials that would otherwise become waste. This allows us to reduce the environmental impacts associated with the production of new parts and the disposal of used materials.

Electric vehicle battery management

Our services span the entire lifecycle of an electric vehicle (EV) battery to ensure proper handling throughout the process. Our Dynamic Manufacturing team includes specialists with a focus on the circular economy model of these batteries, which ensures that every aspect of the product gets repaired, remanufactured, reused, or recycled.

Additional Read: The Future Of EVs

Sustainable manufacturing plants

All of our facilities run on 100% renewable energy sources to power the lights, machines, and utilities to reduce the greenhouse gases and carbon footprint typically produced during manufacturing processes.

On-site wastewater disposal

Through the use of on-site pre-treatment water systems, our facilities reduce the need for off-site disposal of wastewater, which ensures that waste stays out of water supplies and natural environments to reduce the risk of harm.

Verification and Assurance

The verification and assurance processes ensure sustainable practices remain implemented across our supply chain channels and operations. This provides an additional way to guarantee, track, and measure sustainability programs across our various operations, including production and distribution. Through these verification and assurance processes, we can further our dedication and advancement toward waste-free production and improved environmental conditions.

Observation and Compliance

Observation and compliance for our sustainable initiatives rely on the measurement, testing, and tracking of emissions and environmental conditions in and out of the production facilities. At Dynamic Manufacturing, we implement the following compliance policies and track our ability to meet standards for our sustainability solutions:

  • Pollution prevention objectives
  • Environmental laws, regulations, and policies
  • Company-wide environmental policies and objectives
  • Ethical business standards
  • Recycling initiatives
  • Circular economy models and goals


If not properly managed, the chemicals and waste generated in manufacturing facilities can adversely impact the environment. To combat this, Dynamic has reduced waste going into the landfill by recycling paper, cardboard, plastic, foam packaging, and other miscellaneous materials across our facilities for the betterment of local communities and our visitors. We took it a step further in 2018 when we committed to reducing 25% of energy intensity by the end of 2028. In addition to our energy intensity reduction efforts, it was deemed crucial that we also work on mitigating our facilities’ greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, in April of 2022 Dynamic made the switch to 100% green energy to eliminate its Scope 2 emissions.

To date, Dynamic has:

Upgraded facility lighting to LED, resulting in a 30% energy consumption reduction
Participated in compressed air leak studies, leading to a 4% energy consumption reduction
Treated more than 2.5 million gallons of wastewater by two onsite pre-treatment systems, avoiding the necessity for offsite disposal
Switching energy sources from fossil fuels to renewables, resulted in a decrease of CO2 emissions of approximately 3,625 tons per year
Focused on waste minimization and landfill diversion, resulting in 1067 tons of recyclables diverted from landfills
Treated hazardous waste reduction through wastewater treatment systems and other focused efforts, equating to a 24.9% reduction
We actively participate in CDP and Ecovadis (Environmental, Social, and Governance disclosures) to provide transparency on our efforts and impact.

By becoming more sustainable, DMI can improve both societal and environmental conditions, maximize efficiency, and cut costs—all while leaning into innovation during the production process of your order.


What is sustainability?

Sustainability refers to the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves using resources environmentally, socially, and economically responsibly.

What is the company doing to reduce its carbon footprint?

In 2022, Dynamic made the switch from fossil fuels to 100% green energy and implemented energy-efficient practices throughout operations.

  • We’ve remanufactured 37,559 tons of product
  • 90% reduction in hazardous waste since 2014.​
  • 100% powered by sustainable green energy.​
  • 360 tons of material was recycled from Dynamic’s Recycling Program in 2022.  Dynamic’s recycling programs have recovered 3,311 tons.
  • 305,625 gallons of used transmission fluid recycled in 2022.​
  • ​820,000 gallons of wastewater treated in 2022
  • 4 million gallons of wastewater treated since program started.​
  • 2022 EcoVadis Bronze Medal recipient

Advantages of Dynamic Manufacturing

Working with Dynamic Manufacturing ensures that your operations supply a positive impact on the environment with reduced environmental harm and constantly improving sustainability solutions. The advantages of our dedicated team and thoughtful operations include improved work conditions, positive environmental impacts, reduced manufacturing costs, and advanced innovation throughout our manufacturing processes.

Contact us with any questions at 708-343-8753 as the Dynamic Manufacturing team embarks on our sustainability journey and continues to provide high-quality products and services.